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Archipelago Thumb 2

I’m exploring an extended group of Islands that have been hidden from Google Maps due to their aural nature. The musical ecology I have found so far in this journey seems to draw its inspiration from many parts of the globe. And yet each island in this hitherto hidden Archipelago seems to have also developed its own vivid and pristine musical ethos—highly unique to its shoreline borders.

Although I am still in the initial stages of navigation, the Archipelago shows promise of being quite extensive and wondrous. So stay tuned to my website for further updates!

Original records of the first three Islands can be found here.

Island Three was discovered in 2007, but very recently I revisited it and was happy to find that its scale passages had evolved and even been re-fingered into a form more playable by someone like me who’s not a flamenco scale speed demon:)
This is a live clip from my June performance at Make Music Harlem, a wonderful musician/composer concert in Morningside Park, Harlem, Isle of Manhattan.
