Trio Sonatina for Guitar, Violin, and Cello

I wrote this Trio for guitarist Tali Roth and her trio Tango Nuevo, and she performed it at Carnegie’s Weil Recital Hall. The Cellist is Chagit Glaser, and the Violinist is Humberto Ridolfi.
Of all the music I’ve written, this is the one I’m the most proud of. I think it begins to fill in a huge gap in the chamber music repertoire for guitar—that gap being music with guitar that other musicians (with plenty of great music to choose from) actually want to play and enjoy working on. Chagit and Humberto really grew to love the piece, and others who’ve performed it have expressed the same to me.
There are two other movements in this Trio, but these are the ones that have been performed. They stand on their own as a complete work.
Lento/Allegro Moderato
Purchase Trio Sonatina
I’ve had increasing requests for this score from people who wish to play it. You can now purchase it here and have it delivered to your inbox as a zip file of 8 pdfs.
Because I’d love to see this piece performed more widely, I offer full unlimited personal support for any one who purchases this and wants to play or perform it. That means I will respond A.S.A.P to any and all questions about the score, and any issues or difficulties about playing it. This means if you are confused about a fingering, unsure how to execute a specific technique, spot an error or an unclear instruction/accidental etc, I’ll look at it myself and get back to you quickly with a clear answer. Email me at
Price: $15 (Includes 8 separate pdfs — Full Scores for each movement, 18 pages in total, plus solo parts for guitar, violin, and cello, 25 pages in total. Guitar part has extensive fingerings.)
Try it out before buying—click the picture or link text below for a pdf sample of the first page of each movement:

Trio Sonatina Sample Pages
Listen to Movement 1: Lento
Listen to Movement 2: Allegro Moderato
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