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Why Subscribe to My Email List?

Why on earth would you want to get a bunch of emails from me?

1. Well, if you do by any chance like what you see, hear, and/or read on this website (or on my classical guitar teaching website, Art of Guitar) the main reason is simply to stay informed. Informed about:

  • Music–guitar pieces that I write, perform, record on video or on CD
  • Art—paintings and illustrations, prints, originals, cards and other goodies
  • Writing—I sometimes have interesting things to say and interesting ways of saying those things

2. I will send you something nice. (Limited time offer, meaning while supplies last)

I have printed up some lovely greeting cards of a few of my paintings and drawings. Once you sign up for my list, I will send you an email that lets you know how to provide me with your address so I can send you one.

3. I will send you a free high-quality Mp3 download of a great CD that you can listen to.


4.I’ll send you two free classic Art of Guitar Pdfs:

A near-miraculous demo of how to infuse ease and efficiency into your technique by learning to trust your hand–with just the right amount of expert guidance.


A classic list that abounds in reverse-psychology while still teaching you best practices


That’s a lot, you might think. Why am I giving away so much and going to so much trouble, just for one email?

Because I value my connection to you—if you like what I’m creating, then I want to communicate with you. I’m working right now to share the work that I do beyond guitar playing, composing, arranging and teaching.  That means art and writing—I am very serious about both. It’s actually too much work for me to separate the aspects of my creative output, because they overlap too much, and synergize with each other.constantly.

If you sign up for my Art of Guitar email list you’ll get a bit of everything. it will be an adventure. I can’t say with any certainty where it will lead. With the magic of modern email list software, If you ignore or rarely respond to say, my art stuff, then you will get a lot fewer of emails about that. Likewise for other categories. Maybe it seems crazy or over-ambitious to some. It does to me sometimes as well.






