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Instructional Videos

Mastering Right Hand Technique: Right Hand Position and Movement

Mastering Right Hand Technique: Right Hand Position and Movement

This video is from my online technique course, Basic Classical Guitar Mastery. Video Number Four introduces to all of the most basic, important points about how, where and why classical guitarists position our right hands as we do. This is an excerpt of a longer video...

Mastering Left Hand Technique: Left Hand Leverage

Mastering Left Hand Technique: Left Hand Leverage

This is a video excerpted from my online technique course, Basic Classical Guitar Mastery. Video Number Two gives you one of the hidden keys to Left Hand leverage and a powerful left hand technique The course is over 40 videos long, It's designed to rebuild and refine...

Video Course: How To Conquer Technical Hurdles

Video Course: How To Conquer Technical Hurdles

This course is jam-packed with creatively filmed and entertainingly edited demonstrations of all the fundamentals of basic classical guitar technique. I present them in a way that is intended to upload as much knowledge as I can—knowledge that I’ve struggled for...
